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Monetize Your Social

Mar 27, 2019

Tips to Not Lose Your Mind with a Full Time Job AND a Business⁣

🔥 HAVE ONE BIG BUSINESS GOAL / TASK PER DAY. This is the thing you HAVE to do, and usually should be prioritized to be done as soon as possible. And yes, sometimes "as soon as possible" is 10 pm. ⁣


Mar 20, 2019

Do you ever struggle with what to post on social media? Or, are you unsure on how to grow an audience so people will know, like and trust you? 

This episode talks about the 2 questions you have to answer and exactly what to post on social media to grow an audience of fans for your network marketing business. If you are...

Mar 15, 2019

Are you struggling to makes sales?  Chances are, you may be making the common mistake of overthinking it.  What's worse is that there are Girl Scouts out there making sales like crazy and not being sad when they get rejected. Let's see what we can learn from them. :) 

To get people buying your products on Instagram,...

Mar 11, 2019

So many people overcomplicate network marketing. We think we need all sorts of fancy MLM training to make it work. But the truth is if you can master these 3 simple steps that I learned from Larry Thompson, then you'll be good to go. AND, you'll be able to get duplication like crazy. 

To get people buying your products...